Optical Coatings

Optical Coatings for Any Application

Optical coatings are used to enhance the transmission, reflection, or polarization properties of an optical component. With a combination of thin layers of materials, the performance is dependent upon the number of layers, their thickness, and the refractive index difference between them. AMP Coatings is an industry expert, routinely offering optical coating services for our clients in any high-technology sector.

Anti-Reflection Coatings (AR)

  • Single Layer & Multi-Layer
  • Narrowband

Optical Mirrors

Protected or Enhanced Aluminum, Silver, Gold or Dielectric Coatings

High Laser damage Threshold Coating

High Reflection or AR

Other Optical Coating Applications:

  • Neutral Density
  • Beam Splitters
  • ITO Coating
  • Protective Coatings
  • Abrasion / Wear Resistance Coatings

We add value & performance to your parts and products.

AMP has provided exceptional surface engineering and thin film coating services to various industries for over 25 years. We add value and performance to other companies’ parts and products.

  • quick turnaround

  • Competitive Prices

  • Quality Work

  • Exceptional Service

Industries Served




Laser Optics

